Wednesday, 29 February 2012

post-secondary transition website

I have prepared a website that is designed to assist students with the transition to post-secondary research. The link is posted here:  PGSS Transition to Post-secondary Research.

  1. The next challenge will be to advertise this resource:
    1. Site has been linked from "Scholarships" and "Grad" on the school student website 
    2. A newsletter notice will go home to parents.
    3. A News notice has been posted on the school website.
    4. Grade 12 classes doing the scholarly resources unit, will also be directed to explore this site.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

william ferriter

I am interested in the observations of this teacher, particularly his rather controversial views on the use of Smartboards. His post on "What I'd Buy Instead of a Smartboard" is interesting reading.
He maintains a blog entitled Tempered Radical 

Friday, 10 February 2012

nid - friday february 17 2012

A group of secondary teacher-librarians will meet on this day at one of the secondary schools.
Our topics for consideration will be library websites and "The Library as a Learning Commons".
We will consider the following information about the development of  websites.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


On the January 27 non-instructional day a group of teachers gathered to discuss e-books.
The following questions were generated by the group:
  1. What devices would best suit our needs?
    1. Consider:
      1. What are the dynamics of the various models?
      2. What are reviewers saying?
      3. Is there an audio component?
      4. Is there access to a dictionary or thesaurus?
    2. What does research say about e-book popularity with students?
    3. Resources:
      1. Consider:
        1. What titles are available to buy? How much?
        2. What titles are available for free?
    4. How will these units circulate?
      1. Kids buy?
      2. School buy?
      3. Kids make a deposit like calculators?
    5. What are the options around online textbooks?
ERAC just published this  white paper on e-books.
A very informative overview that answers some of our questions.

professional growth - a reflection

Professional growth has always played an important role in my teaching career. I am a curious, interested learner and I try to stay committed to exploring ways to improve my professional practice. Over the course of my career I have tried to take a leadership position in working to provide training and knowledge to my colleagues.
However, I have grown weary of trying to match workshops to my professional growth needs. I am hoping that this blog will provide me with an oppportunity to explore topics that have an impact on my daily practice and to reflect on my growth.

I have organized my growth plan around the five topics listed at the top of this page.
For each topic I have posted some critical questions that I hope will shape my inquiry.