21st Century Learning

Questions to consider:
  1.  Effective and efficient use of online database resources
    1. What is the most efficient and effective way to have students access these resources?
    2. What kind of reconfiguration in the way the icons are displayed on the DLC page would help to increase an understanding of the nature of and use of these resources?
      1. i.e. would it help to have all the general sources listed together; all the specific resources listed together
    3. What results are produced in a search in EBSCO A-Z?
    4. Is there a way to produce a handbook that details how these resources are organized and how they work?
    5. Does the handbook need to be specific to each tool?
    6. How might Google Scholar be used to provide a kid-friendly interface to these resources? 
      1. Distinct databases are accessed through EBSCOHost
        1. There are these 5 distinct general databases:
          1. Canadian Reference Centre
          2. Middle Search Plus
          3. Primary Search
          4. MasterFILE Premier
          5. Academic Search Premier
        1. There are these 2 business databases
          1. Business Source Premier
          2. Regional Business News
        1. There are these 2 professional databases
          1. Professional Development Collection
          2. Teacher Reference Center
        2. There are these 2 specific databases
          1. Green File
          1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
      2. Other specific databases are accessed through the graphic interfaces:
        1. Consumer Health Complete
        2. NovelList
        3. ELL - English Language Learners
        4. Canadian Literary Center
      3. Other graphic interfaces access the distinct databases
        1. Searchasaurus
        2. Kid's Search
        3. Canadian Student Reference Centre
        4. Student Research Center
      1. With the graphic interfaces, numerous databases are accessed when a search is done
      2.  e.g. 
        1. Searchasaurus and Kid's Search both access Middle Search; Primary Search; and Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
        2. Just the interface is different. However,  when Middle Search is included in the mix, the readability of the results will often be too difficult for the young researchers who are targeted in these cutesy tools
      3. The results presented when numerous databases are accessed will contain material with difficult readability
      4. There is considerable overlap in the results when numerous databases are accessed
      5. Students need to be directed to the databases that will produce results that are specific and readable
    9.  SOLUTIONS:
      • MasterFILE Premier  -  best  for general research searching 
        • RATIONALE - good comprehensive but limited coverage; readable results for most secondary students
          • NOTE: even senior students should be directed to begin searches with Primary Search and Middle Search Plus because it is best to begin research with resources that are very readable and understandable
      • Canadian Reference Centre - best  for Canadian sources
        • RATIONALE - narrows searches to  mostly Canadian magazines and references although some American sources are included
        • The graphic interface called "Canadian Student Reference Centre" actually includes Middle Search Plus
      • Literary Reference Center Plus - best for authors/literary sources
        • RATIONALE - this may be EBSCO's best resource - appears to cover all aspects of literary studies including Canadian authors
        • The "Canadian Literary Centre" accesses Canadian magazines and so would present a review of a Canadian author if that author was featured in a Canadian magazine 
      • Consumer Health Complete - best for health/disease sources
        • RATIONALE - appears to present a comprehensive overview of health issues although EBSCO does not provide good detail of what sources are being referenced in this database
      • CultureGrams - best for countries of the world
        • RATIONALE - this is not an EBSCO product but gives good information on countries of the world - in the FAQ section, ProQuest [the supplier] confirms that the information is provided by experts and is updated twice annually
      • See this page for how-to guides on each of these tools  https://sites.google.com/site/pgssvlc/home/databases
  2. Social media and its role
    1. What are the dynamics of Twitter and Facebook in the school library setting?
    2. How can TLs use social media to collaborate and improve our Professional Learning Community? 
      1. Thanks to Kathy Rice for this  excellent resource
  3. Safe and ethical uses of technology
    1. How can we effectively teach students to use these powerful tools in a way that respects and protects everyone?
      1. Glen Thielmann - An open letter to students about the impact of social media
      2. Darren Laur made an excellent presentation to students in grades 8 - 10 
      3. Where are the sources of copyright-free images?
        1. Bill Ferriter has posted these two great resources:
          1. What do YOU know about the Creative Commons?
          2. Using Google Docs to Create Digital Kits [the image search in the presentation component of Google Docs automatically searches Creative Commons images]
          3. Copyright and Creative Commons Video for students
  4. E-books
    1. What is the dynamic of this tool?
    2. How can it be effectively integrated into a school library?
    3. What is Book2Cloud?
      1. Public Library E-book Guidehttp://www.lib.pg.bc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/eBooks-Library-to-Go-Jan-2012.pdf
      2. Study posted by Ian Jukes on the rising use of eBooks 
  5. Hand-held devices
    1. What is the role of hand-held devices in the library?
    2. How can we maximize this technology?
      1. This review of the use of technology in Canadian schools reiterates some common themes 
      2. 10 Proven Strategies to Break the Ban and Build Opportunities for Student Learning with Cell Phones  
      3. Presenter featured by Cale Burke "Cell Phones: A Framework For Learning" by our outstanding School Improvement Leader, Blake Buemann (@edubuemann). 
  6. Online Information & Research
    1. What skills do students need to check authenticity and accuracy of online information?
    2. What skills are necessary to effectively and efficiently access and use online databases and other scholarly resources
      1. BCTLA Points of Inquiry
  7.  How will the role of the librarian change within the 21st century learning context?
    1. 21st Century Librarian Manifesto
    2. R David Lankes - Atlas of New Librarianship
      1. Recommends:
        1.  Buffy Hamilton
        2. Sue Kowalski - following on Twitter
        3. Barbara Stripling
    3. What is the role of peer mentoring in this context?
    4. 7 Steps to a 21st Century District 
    5. Thanks to colleague Steve Baker for these two articles
      1. 21st Century Librarian
      2. 21st Century Learning and ipods

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