Tuesday, 5 March 2013

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 Workshop choices.....

 Morning - Online Educational Resources and Tools

Presenters: Steve Dotto, Lynne Massee-Danes
Lynne is the Director of LearnNowBC Steve and Lynne will lead a lively and useful exploration of many of the resources and tools available to educators in BC.
The session will focus on, but not be limited to the many tools, resources and features provided at learnnowbc.ca. It will be an engaging session with much sharing from the audience as well as Steve and Lynne.

Some critical questions...
  1. What are the steps to easily accessing the learnnow.bc tools - particularly the online safety tools?
    1. There is a plan afoot to have the SD57 students and teachers able to access these resources from one portal
  2. How can we make this process more available and transparent for students and teachers?
    1. The "Charged Up videos" for Math and Science and the "Success Checker" will be useful study tools for students and teachers
  3. What support materials are available or need to be developed to ensure that these tools are effective in the classroom? 
    1. Use of and access to the safety tools remains a challenge
    2. Will investigate the preparation of a set of lessons using these resources for the Planning 10 classes
  4. Where and how will these tools be implemented into the curriculum?

Afternoon - ProTECHtivity

Presenter: Steve Dotto

The fact is the pursuit of productivity is often the least productive time we spend, searching for the tools that will save us time, make us more efficient, and more current is one of the major time wasters today. Steve has created this workshop in which he shows the tools that work, and how to integrate them into your professional life.
Regardless if you are an iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or Windows Phone user, you will come away from ProTECHtivity with a better understanding of what apps work and how to fit them into your life
Some critical questions....
  1. Which productivity tools do I need? and why?
    1. How to work smarter - workers check e-mail 40 times per day
    2. Some tools to explore further:
      1. Evernote - manage everything
      2. Google forms
      3. Drop box - dropbox.com
      4. Asana - team project manager app
      5.  Noteability - mark up .pdf documents

Friday, 1 March 2013

thought-provoking lists

On the "Your Committed Sardine Blog" created by Ian Jukes, Mary Ellen Tribby posted these lists of these "success indicators"...

Successful People
Have a sense of gratitude
Forgive others
Accept responsibility for their failures
Read everyday
Keep a journal
Talk about ideas
Want others to succeed
Share information and data
Keep a “to-be” list
Exude joy
Keep a “to-do/project” list
Set goals and develop life plans
Embrace change
Give other people credit for their victories
Operate from a transformational perspective

Unsuccessful People
Have a sense of entitlement
Hold a grudge
Blame others for their failures
Watch TV everyday
Say they keep a journal but really don’t
Talk about people
Secretly hope others fail
Horde information and data
Don’t know what they want to be
Exude anger
Fly by their seat of their pants
Never set goals
Think they know it all
Fear change
Take all the credit of their victories
Operate from a transactional perspective

Her challenge.... if you are ready kick up the success meter a bit, make a conscious effort to eliminate the traits on the bottome of the chart above.